
Windows 11 wont show Blue screen of Death

Windows 11 ends the most friendly screen for users with operating system

Windows 11 ends the most friendly screen for users with operating system, the Blue Screen of death. As per the Verge, Microsoft is switching the Blue failure screen to the favour of Black Screen of Death. The brand new black screen will include the Logon and shutdown screens of Windows 11.


The below images shared by the Verge showing the how new look windows 11 Illustrate the Black screen of death. The new screen have no other changes rather then the background color. According to The Verge The QR Code, Error message, help support URL and the error code remains intact as it was in windows 10.

If any developer working on the Windows 11 Insider Preview Builds, then you may experience the Green Screen of Death. Insiders have seen the green version of the Blue Screen of Death since 2016.

windows 11 black screen death
Source : The Verge

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