Corona Virus – COVID-19 Live Stats
Due to ongoing pandemic worldwide, we our team has configured the realtime COVID-19 statastics of confirmed cases, recovered and deaths over the globe.
[cvct country-code=”all” style=”style-2″ title=”Global Stats” label-total=”Total Cases” label-deaths=”Deaths” label-active=”Active Cases” label-recovered=”Recovered” bg-color=”#e83838″ font-color=”#000″]
Graphical Representation of COVID-19 Cases
[cvct-maps title=”Global stats” show-list=”yes”layout=”style-2″]Note: API Data has been collected form the site , we are no where connected to the said site or affiliated to it.
The coronavirus COVID-19 is affecting 205 countries and territories around the world and 2 international conveyances. The day is reset after midnight GMT+00.